nuthatch|nuthatches in English


small blue-gray bird which climbs down trees eating insects and seeds

Use "nuthatch|nuthatches" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nuthatch|nuthatches" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nuthatch|nuthatches", or refer to the context using the word "nuthatch|nuthatches" in the English Dictionary.

1. Her nuthatch and jay paintings are particularly appealing.

2. The Chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, and treecreepers include some of the best-known birds in the world

3. At any time of year you're likely to see plenty of birds, including nuthatch, green woodpecker and jay.

4. 21 The species included the wren, nuthatch, starling and also waterbirds such as the oystercatcher, curlew and redshank.

5. Like other titmice species, Bridled Titmice are often at the center of foraging flocks that can include chickadees, kinglets, warblers, vireos, tanagers, and nuthatches.

6. Like other titmice species, Bridled Titmice are often at the center of foraging flocks that can include chickadees, kinglets, warblers, vireos, tanagers, and nuthatches.

7. The altitudinal limit for the population of Nuthatches in the Harz Mountains is 650 m, i. e. about 400 m below the forest line.

8. From some distance, the wall creeper threatens with dropped wings and strongly elevated tail; this threat posture resembles that of several nuthatch species.

9. The volume and 1 3/8″ side entrance hole in this nest box accommodates Chickadees, Nuthatches, Titmice, Wrens and Downy Woodpeckers, yet is normally too small for English Sparrows

10. Little flocks of Black-capped Chickadees enliven the winter woods with their active behavior and their cheery-sounding chick-a-dee callnotes as they fly from tree to tree, often accompanied by an assortment of nuthatches, creepers, kinglets, and other birds.

11. The mountain which overlooks Brasov, the Tampa, is a habitat for brown bear, linx, boar, butterflies and a wide variety of birds including the raven, the Ural owl, the black woodpecker, the Eurasian nuthatch and many others

12. Birdhouses for Cavity Nesters Bluebirds, wrens, nuthatches, chickadees, purple martins, tree swallows, owls, wood ducks and many other birds will create nests within Birdhouses, hollow logs or other "cavities." When you hang a birdhouse, you're making it easier for these types of birds to find shelter.